This is Warwick Davis! He's a fabulous actor who's been instrumental in promoting professional acting roles through his company Willow Personal Management. As he puts it, "the biggest agency for short actors in the world". Perhaps you recognise him better by his roles?

Wicket in Return of the Jedi
The lead character in Leprechaun
Various characters in all the Harry Potter films

My favourite Warwick Davis film (excluding Star Wars of course!) and one of my faves as a child is also this week's recommendation. I love this magical adventure if only for the craziness of Mad Martigan, played joyfully by an almost unrecognisable Val Kilmer.
PLOT: When a baby princess is found floating down a stream by the nelwyn farmer Willow, he undertakes an adventure to return her to her people. Along the way he meets a great warrior and together they journey through a war-torn land of magic and monsters, trying to evade an evil sorceress.
CAST: Warwick Davis (Harry Potter), Val Kilmer (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)
Watch the trailer
Also recently seen in an awesome episode of 'Merlin'.